
St Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community


Welcome toSt Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community

F1 - Nursery


Welcome to F1


Teachers: Mrs Ochiltree and Mrs Pace


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hooley-Rice (am only)


F1 Homework

Monthly home learning challenges are set via Class Dojo for activities linked to our learning in school that you can do at home to support your child's understanding. You can send these back to school by attaching a photo or video and a comment to your child's Class Dojo portfolio.


In F1 we try to foster a love of reading for pleasure. It is really helpful if you can read stories regularly with your child. Have a look at the document attached for some pointers on supporting early reading skills. 


Below are a few websites that are great for supporting children's learning at home online.

Encouraging Independence

It is really helpful if children can begin to have a try at self-care routines before starting Nursery. Of course, staff are always on hand to help, but if your child is already familiar with having a try at these things themselves it is a really big help. It also gives them more confidence in the classroom and allows them to get on with their day without having to wait for someone to help. 


Here are some things that you could encourage independence with at home:

putting on their coat

(At school we encourage the 'hoods on first' method as shown above for children who cannot yet put their coat on independently)

doing up their own zip

going to the toilet

washing their hands

eating with a knife and fork

drinking from a cup

Recommended Books to Share

Spring 1

Our theme this half term is 'Tell me a story'.

Our core texts are The Gingerbread Man and Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We will be learning about the stories and exploring lots of vocabulary. 






This term in Maths we are beginning to explore and talk about shapes and objects, represent the numbers 1 to 3 on our fingers,1 to 1 count up to 3 objects and use/ follow positional language. 

Understanding the World


The Foundations Of:

RE – This half term we are using Discovery RE to learn about celebrations including New Year, Chinese New Year and Holi

History– The distant past. We will be talking about what the world was like when dinosaurs were around and will begin to discuss how this is different to now. 

Geography- We will be talking about where we live and comparing it to other places. 



We will be learning about Winter and the seasons, making observations on the changes around us.

We will be exploring the different homes people live in and how they are suited to them.

We will be exploring materials and investigating what can go through a sieve. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development


 The Foundations Of:

PSHE - Relationships: Keeping friendships healthy. We will be learning about what makes a good friend, and learning about respecting others personal space. 

My Happy Mind - Appreciate: We will be learning about how we can be thankful and show others we are thankful. 

Expressive Arts and Design


The Foundations Of:

Music- Charanga: Everyone! 

Art- Drawing: We will be exploring the work of Gerhard Richter and creating our own work inspired by him. 

We will also be exploring colour mixing. 
