
St Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community


Welcome toSt Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Teachers: Mr Bower

Support staff: Miss Lindley (Mrs Roxby - PPA cover)

Weekly Routines

In Year 2 reading books will be changed every Monday.  Children are encouraged to read at least three times per week at home to help develop fluency and reading skills.  Please ensure you child has their reading record and reading book in their bags every day as adults in the class will read with children throughout the week.


PE will take place on Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. On Mondays, children can come in PE kit and bring uniform to change into and on Thursday they need to bring PE kit to change into please. As the weather gets cooler a plain, dark coloured tracksuit with a plain white t shirt underneath is recommended.  Trainers are acceptable for indoor and outdoor use.



  • Children should read at least three times per week at home and this should be recorded in reading records.
  • Recall maths facts to be practised weekly.
  • Weekly dictation to support spellings. 


Reading and Writing


This term we will be reading the book Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson as a hook for our writing.  We will be supplementing this with lots of other books as we further our wider reading and a list of some of the books we have listened to, along with the links we have made to our curriculum can be found on the class page under the wider reading information.


We will practice our spelling following the Read, Write, Inc spelling programme which links to RWI phonics, the programme that we follow for learning how to read.


To develop our reading skills to include inference, deduction and prediction skills, we will be using texts from the Reading Rocketeers programme.




Recommended Reading List KS1



Our maths in the Autumn term begins with learning about place value and will progress to addition and subtraction.  Running concurrently to these topics will be a unit about shape, taught by Mrs Valentine.


We will be using manipulatives to explore how numbers with two digits are made using tens and ones and will post photographs of how we do this in class as we go so that you can see the sorts of things you could try at home.  A copy of the calculation policy to go with White Rose scheme that we use can be found on the Maths subject page.




Before the leaves fall off the trees in the Autumn term we will be exploring habitats in the school grounds to find out what lives where and why, and will then focus on building on our knowledge of materials to apply this to selecting the right material for given jobs.



We will learn about the continents and oceans in the Autumn term in Geography, and will use geographical skills such as using compass directions and mapping to help make sense of the world around us, looking at how humans impact their physical surroundings.



In the Autumn term, we will be studying the famous explorer Christopher Columbus and examining evidence to find out why he was so influential at the time.  We will be suing our historical skills to find out what life was like on long voyages, why Columbus risked his life to explore distant lands and what impact his discoveries have had.


Other topics studied this year will be the Wright Brothers and the Moon Landings.



History revisited!


Follow the links below to explore our previous learning throughout history.

Art/Design & Technology


Over the course of the Autumn term we will be practicing our drawing skills using line and tone to give our sketches depth and will move on to look at how we can use levers and sliders in books to help make them interactive by utilizing these mechanisms.

Helping your child at home:

Below are some useful websites that will help you learn from home.
