Welcome to our Year 5 class page!
Teacher: Miss Jones
Our PE days for this half term are Monday and Tuesdays afternoons. Please ensure both indoor and out kit are brought to school on these days.
This year we will be reading the books below. These texts have been chosen to support and the develop reading skills required to understand texts and to inspire a love of reading.
During Autumn term our class text is 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell Boyce. It's one giant leap for all boy-kind in Frank Cottrell Boyce's out-of-this-world story: Cosmic. Liam is too big for his boots. And his football strip. And his school blazer. But being super-sized height-wise has its advantages: he's the only eleven-year-old to ever ride the G-force-defying Cosmic rollercoaster - or to be offered the chance to drive a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. Is Liam the best boy for the job? Sometimes being big isn't all about being a grown-up.
After we have finished our immersive unit of Cosmic, we will begin reading Queen of the Falls by Chris Van Allsburg. Queen of the Falls is about a 62-year-old woman named Annie Edson Taylor who remembers getting closer and closer to Niagara Falls with her father, entranced by the sight and sound of the water. Finally, as a 62-year-old, she goes over the falls in a wooden barrel, seeking fortune and fame.
For our Spring term we will be looking at The Darkest Dark. It is a story about a boy called Chris who loves rockets and planets and pretending he’s a brave astronaut, exploring the universe. Only one problem–at night, Chris doesn’t feel so brave. He’s afraid of the dark.
But when he watches the ground-breaking moon landing on TV, he realizes that space is the darkest dark there is–and the dark is beautiful and exciting, especially when you have big dreams to keep you company.
In our last term for the Summer, we will be reading the Radiant Child. Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat is a 2016 picture book biography by Javaka Steptoe about Jean-Michel Basquiat. Using a style similar to Basquiat's, the book tells the story of his childhood and early career.
Religious Education
As a Church of England school each class participates in at least one hour of Religious Education each week alongside daily worship, either as a whole school or as a class.
During the Autumn term in Year 5 the children will be building on knowledge they have acquired in previous key stages. To begin children will explore who they think God is and how Christians believe him to be holy and loving. Children explore scripture and stories from the Bible to support them to understand the Christian belief and the importance of love and forgiveness. As we move into Autumn 2 the children dig deeper into Jesus as the Messiah as part of Incarnation.
As part of Spring term the children in Year 5 will take part in Messy church to celebrate the love of God. In lessons they will learn more about Salvation and how Jesus sacrificed himself for others. Children will also learn about the Hindu religion and how Hindu people show their commitment to God. Children will have opportunities to explore artefacts and make comparisons to that of the Christian belief.
During Summer term children will look at the Gospel element of the bible and look at how Jesus acted in different situations within the Bible.
In Autumn 1 half term we will be learning about Living things and their Habitats with a focus on the life cycles of common plants and animals such as butterflies and frogs. In the second half of Autumn half term we will be learning about Space and the movement of plant earth in relation the sun and the moon. The children will take part in Spaceship Earth Live interactive zoom to help them understand how satellites are sent into space and the roles they play (see pictures).
Spring 1 will allow the children to explore the effects of a range of forces on objects and investigate when variables are changed (See pictures). In the second half of the Spring term the children will be learning about the human lifecycle and beginning to understand the changes which occur within the womb through to those during old age. During this half term, as part of Science Week, the children will also explore bio-plastics as a way to reduce plastic waste. The children will make and look at products made from bio-plastics currently in use (see pictures).
Throughout Summer term we will cover the properties of materials. Children will compare and group everyday materials according to their properties, investigate in a scientific manner to learn about solutions, filtration and changes (reversible and irreversible). Children will work scientifically to explore properties of material and record their findings using appropriate methods.
In Autumn term the children will be studying Medieval Britain with specific links to the local area. They will learn how to use a variety of sources to support them to understand how the Romans leaving Britain lead to the Dark Ages. The children will learn how William the Conqueror built several castle to fortify settlements up to York, but how this was not supported by everyone in England which lead to the Harrying of the North. Children will visit Conisborough Castle to support their understanding of the castles built by the Normans. The children will use the Doomsday Book as a key piece of evidence to find out about settlements, occupants and livestock which made up Medieval Britain. Children will find out about Finningley and other local villages such as Armthorpe and Auckley which are all mentioned in the Doomsday Book. Click on the picture below to visit a website which will tell you all about Finningley and other local places in the Doomsday Book.
In Spring term we travel back in time to Ancient Egypt, where we will look at an ancient civilization that used writing way before we did in Britain and we will use our Geography learning from this term about rivers to find out why the Nile was so important to this period of time. We will look at how the lives of people differed depending on their status and what beliefs the Egyptians held. The children will use a range if sources which will spark their curiosity and expand their knowledge of life in Ancient Egypt.
In Summer term, we whizz straight back to what happened next in British history after the Medieval period - the Tudor times! The children will learn about King Henry VII the reasons why he broke away from Rome. Children will explore how life was different for different people depending on their place within society. We will also learn about Elizabeth I and how on earth she defeated the mighty Spanish Armada.
Here are some links from the amazing History Skimmed videos on You Tube - they are a lovely revision tool of what we have covered in British History so far! We will update with new links as we move through our learning. Enjoy!
In Autumn term we will be learning about the journey of a river from source to mouth, and track the journey of the River Don. We will learn that our nearest local river is the River Torne that flows through Auckley and locate it on maps, following it to where it joins the sea at the Humber Estuary. We will be looking at the sea differently next time we go on our annual outing to the seaside town of Cleethorpes as this is very near the Humber estuary and we may be paddling in water that once flowed through Auckley!
In Spring term our geography work is linked to our historical subject of Ancient Egypt. The children will use Digi Maps to locate Egypt and use features to review the climate and physical features of Egypt. They will make comparisons between the physical and human geography of the UK and Egypt.
Summer term will allow the children to utilise their navigation skills to use 6 figure grid references and 8 points of a compass to direct someone to a mystery location. The children will explore the land use around school and use their knowledge of physical geography to support their ideas. The children will use ordnance survey maps to identify physical and human geographical features in unknown areas.
Below are some links to previous learning which will support the children to revise the topics.
Click the image to go to the BBC Bitesize pages about the water cycle.
Click here for a revisit of facts about rainforests.
Physical Education
During the Autumn term the children will be learning passing and moving skills as part of team games. They will learn these skills before learning how to use them within a game context to support them to score and to work as part of a team. The children will learn these techniques in Tag Rugby, Netball and Basketball. The children will also have the opportunity to work together as part of small groups to develop their teamwork. In their groups they will use their skills to work effectively as a team to solve problems ensuring all team members play a part in task.
Throughout Spring term the children will continue to work on passing and moving skills and teamwork through football. They will also work on how to outwit opponents using space and passing skills to successfully score points. These skills will also be developed through badminton. As part of the gymnastics section the children will work in pairs to develop counter balances to create shape. They will learn how to travel in and out of the balances to create a sequence of movements. The children will participate in the topic 'Street Art' as part of the dance component of PE. The children will learn about the meaning behind street art and will create movements to represent 'tags' in pairs. They will continue to develop their ideas to create a sequence of dance to the music 'Surveillance' by Nicholas Britell from the film Cruella.
During Summer term the children will continue to develop their dance skills through the theme 'The Circus'. Children will look at societies in 1850's and how people viewed the circus differently during this time. They will create poses which represent social outcasts and take on roles of people within the circus. Apparatus will be introduced to create different levels of movement and additional challenge when creating a sequence to the music 'This is me' by Keala Settle. Children will learn how to use previously learnt skills to apply to dodgeball to ensure that they are consolidating catching and passing skills. The second half of the summer term will concentrate on athletics skills to support the children to develop skills needed for sports day. A variety of equipment will be used to support the development of throwing and jumping.
In Autumn term we will be learning how to use our Chromebooks to be creating documents and personalising them with different fonts, images and layouts. We will be practicing our word processing skills to hand in documents on Google Classrooms about topics such as mammals, oceans and The Harrying of the North. We will be using search engines to support us to find out more information about subjects we will be studying.
Google Docs icon
During the first half of Spring 1 the children will be learning about the Mars Rover satellite and how it gathers information. Children will learn how information is relayed from space to earth using binary code and will use this code to create their own messages. Moving on from this in Spring 2, the children will learn how to code Micro:bit software to create animations and to use code to program simple scoreboards in a game. Click link below to find out more.
The children will use Stop Go media software to create simple animations in the first half of the Summer term. The children will build on coding knowledge to develop their ideas. In the second half of the summer term the children will learn how to handle data and how technology can be used to create data representations.
Throughout each term the children will take part in internet safety lessons to ensure they understand how to stay safe online. The children will be supported to understand how to interact appropriately with others online and how social media can have both a negative and positive impact.
In Autumn term we will be learning about the artist Van Gogh. They will make observations about his work and practise techniques similar to those used by the artist. The children will use their knowledge to recreate their own interpretation of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'.
During Spring term the focus of study will be collage and the artist Eileen Downes. Children will learn about the artist and use layers of paper to create a collage in a similar style to that of Eileen Downes. The children will chose a subject of their choice to create their own collage piece.
Summer term will allow for opportunities to explore different styles of sculpture such as carving, wire and papier mache and salt dough. Children will practice each technique before deciding which technique they prefer and to use as part of their final piece. Artists Antony Gormley and Salvador Dali will be studied.
Design Technology
In Autumn term we will be learning about pulleys, levers and gears. Children will investigate, analyse and explore existing everyday objects that incorporate pulleys and gears. They will use these findings to design and create their own object utilising gears and pulleys. Children will find take part in market research to support their designs.
Spring term will allow the children to develop their design skills when creating 'vegetable scones'. Children will endeavour to meet the design brief to ensure the product they make is fit for the person and for its purpose. They will investigate, analyse and explore existing savoury scones and research historical events or important people linked to the product or its purpose. Children will take part in market research to inform their designs which they will draw as exploded diagrams.
Throughout Summer term children will be learning about permanent and portable frame structures such as tents, umbrellas and bus shelters. Children will endeavour to meet the design brief to ensure the product they make is fit for the person and for its purpose. They will investigate, analyse and explore existing structures and important people linked to structures such as Thomas Farnolls, the designer of iron bridge. The children will practice small step skills need to create their design and they will evaluate their final pieces against the design brief.