PSHE Statement of Intent
At St Oswald’s C of E Academy, we believe children’s Personal, Social and Health Education is vitally important, therefore we aim to teach our pupils to become healthy, independent and responsible members of our diverse society. Our intent is to deliver a broad PSHE curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise outcomes for every child.
Our PSHE curriculum is a whole school thematic approach which allows classes to work on the same aspect at the same time. This allows for collaboration across year groups and links to whole school events such as assemblies and theme days. Teachers plan from a set of core themes and objectives which allows for a spiral curriculum meaning children build on what they know and deepen their understanding as they progress through school.
As a school we have chosen to use the core themes from the PSHE Association Programme of Study as a basis for our curriculum framework. We have adapted it to reflect the context of our school and local community, and to address our pupils’ needs and stages of development.
The Core Themes are:
• Health and Wellbeing- Healthy Lifestyles, Growing and Changing, Keeping Safe
• Relationships – Feelings and Emotions, Healthy Relationships, Valuing Difference
• Living in the Wider World – Rights and Responsibilities, Environment, Money