
St Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community


Welcome toSt Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 

Teacher: Mrs Barrios


Support staff: Mrs Wallace (AM) (Mrs Roxby - PPA cover)

Our Routines



Reading books will be changed every Monday. Please ensure your child brings their reading record and reading books in on this day. If your child has not read their reading book, this will not be changed.

Your child will get both a book band book and a reading for pleasure book. 

Your child is encouraged to read their banded book three times per week and can enjoy their reading for pleasure book on other evenings. The reading for pleasure book as and when needed not just on Mondays.


When you read with your child please make sure to comment on what your child has read and make it clear if the book has been finished. Please find attached on our class page a list of reading questions you can ask your child to promote discussions around their reading. This will help to improve their fluency, recall, retrieval and inference skills. 




Our P.E. days are Monday(am) and Thursday (pm).  Our session on a Monday is in the morning so children are to come to school in their PE kits and bring their uniform to change into. As our Thursday session is in the afternoon, children should bring their PE kits in their bags. 

This half term we will be focussing on netball and gymnastics. 




- Reading 3 times a week

-Weekly dictation to support spellings. These sentences will be added to Class Dojo on Friday every two weeks.

 - TT Rockstars - Children to access this as much as possible please. Keep your eyes peeled for tournaments!!

- Weekly arithmetic tests (completed in class) will be sent home once marked to promote discussion about their arithmetic skills and work on areas which need further practise. 




Our class text this term is 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes

Geography - Mountains and volcanoes

How is the Earth structured?

The Earth is made up of three main layers – crust, mantle and core.  The crust is the hard ‘skin’ that we walk on, and under this is a solid, but hot, layer called the mantle.  Below this is the core – inner and outer – which is liquid rock and has extremely hot temperatures (4,000 – 6,000 degrees C). 


How are mountains formed?

The Earth’s crust is made up of lots of pieces (like a jigsaw) called techtonic plates that move on the surface very slightly.  When two plates collide they can push upwards to create a lump of rock over millions of years, called a mountain.  Many mountains forming in the same place is called a range.


What is a volcano?

volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. Gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments



We will also be learning about what lives on a mountain and find out why some people choose to live near volcanoes.  

    Science - Forces and magnets

This half term, Year 3 will be diving into the exciting world of forces and magnets. The students will explore how objects move and measure forces using newton meters. Additionally, they'll discover the fascinating properties of magnets, learn about magnetic materials, and conduct their own hands-on experiments to deepen their understanding. It's going to be a fun and interactive learning journey!



In History, Year 3 will be journeying from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, exploring how early humans lived and evolved over time. We will investigate questions such as: Was Stone Age man simply a hunter-gatherer? How did life change with the advent of farming? We'll uncover what Skara Brae reveals about Stone Age life and delve into the mysteries of Stonehenge. Moving into the Bronze Age, we'll discuss how it should be remembered, and examine Iron Age life and the evidence we have about it. Our investigation will also include the dramatic "Iron Age Crimewatch: Who killed the 52 people at Maiden Castle?" Finally, students will engage in an Iron Age Dragon’s Den, proposing the next big technological advancement for the era.



In Computing, we are using Purple Mash to learn about forms of communication. The primary form of communication we are learning about is email. In this unit, the children learn about the format of an email, how to access their emails using their inbox and will have the opportunity to email one another.

This links well to our work on e-safety from the previous half term as we can put our learning into practise to be safe online. 

Recommended Reading List LKS2

Helping your child at home:

Practice number bonds to ten and twenty with Daily Ten!




Useful apps and Websites
