Feedback from Parent Survey undertaken by DSAT, December 2022
What do you value most in the way your child's school currently works with parents?
I like that school try to involve parents throughout the year by inviting us in to see what the children have been up to. I also like that if we need to speak to the child's teacher about any issues they are always happy to help and offer ideas to help support learning at home.
There are multiple communication channels to keep parents informed e.g. letters sent home, emails and social media for PTA organised events. It helps me keep up with the expectations and setting those with my daughter too regarding what's coming up
I think the values that are being taught are fantastic. Also staff who interact with her always will try to inform how she is doing when I see them. This is nice, especially with not being there for pick ups
The warm welcome at school.
The balance between progress information and social events.
The shared photographs on Dojo. The amount of notice given for events
The days where parents are allowed in for events like mother's day and father's Day.
Clear communication and the opportunity to meet with teachers at parents evening.
Provides education sessions for parents on certain topics/keeps informed
We are kept informed as to what is happening and given notice of events.
The visibility of teachers and the opportunities to speak to teachers
Always approachable with any problems and interact with parents
Lovely to receive invites to celebration assemblies.
Messages via the school app, when they are used!
It’s a nice school with good clear values
Their interest in feedback/communication
Asks for our support and social aspects
General communication from the office
Engagement when it is required
The warm welcome at school.
Dojo to keep us informed
Lots of communication.
Constant communication
Being kept up to date
Supportive of change
Regarding Christmas festivities:
'Just wanted to say what a lovely idea this is!
The kids are going to love it!'
I just wanted to email to thank everyone at school for this fabulous opportunity for some Christmas fun for the kids.
It's been a tough year for everyone and I'm so appreciative that this has been put on. Please thank everyone on behalf of our family.
Regarding virtual and online learning
'Just wanted to say thank you very much, for your lessons.
The lessons have really helped the boys (& me), with having some educational interaction and structured work to complete.'
'We're really appreciating the zoom lessons, much more than if I were trying to teach her. We think you're doing a great job and the circumstances are difficult. Keep it up, you and Mrs Taylor have been brilliant.'
'Thank you so much to you and Mrs Taylor for all the effort you are putting into these lessons. He was really proud of himself reading his work out. Huge thank you because I don't think any of us say it enough when things are working well.'
'Thank you to you, Mrs Taylor and the school for keeping things going for the kids.'
'Thanks for today we have both really enjoyed it. I even got to play to tig at lunchtime. Genuinely we are really grateful for your efforts.'