
St Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community


Welcome toSt Oswald'sC of E AcademyChurch, School, Community


Welcome to the SEND area for parents

The changes imposed on us all recently around closing schools will  have an impact on most children at some point or another, causing confusion and possible tensions that will need addressing.  These effects can be seen and felt in children with SEND, particularly those with Autism or sensory needs.  We will post information here that you may find useful to help children adjust to new routines, and class teachers are available via Class Dojo, or the admin email, if you have specific questions or require additional support in helping your child. 


If the work set on the Home learning zone for your child is not appropriate for them, we suggest you look at the other class pages to see how the same topic has been approached with a different level of challenge.  There will be suitable activities for all children available, and if you need further advice please contact your class teacher.  This is the same for any extra activities posted on the class pages - feel free to access any of the material on there.  The Alternative access tab on the Pupil pages is also packed full of activities and is aimed at pupils with SEND.


If we can post anything else here that would be of use, please let us know via and we will try and accommodate your requests.  There are learning links to access on class pages for the wider internet, and some on the parent update tab.


SEND Graduated Approach – May 2021

Our school follows the SEND Graduated Approach, set out by the Local Authority, to respond to pupils’ needs across the four broad areas of need identified in the SEND Code of Practice (2015)

The identified areas of need are Cognition & Learning, Communication & Interaction, Social, Emotional & Mental Health and Physical & Sensory.

Our SEND pupils’ are identified within the 4 graduated approach bandings;


Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4


Universal Plus



Learners may require very time-limited support in addition to Inclusive Quality First Teaching.




Learners will require time-limited intervention programmes in addition to inclusive Quality First Teaching intervention. Impact is measured through the school’s system using the termly Assess, Plan, Do & Review process (APDR). Pupil’s will have an Educational Support Plan (ESP) in place at school.


Provision that is different from and additional to peers. Increasingly individualised intervention programmes. Termly Assess, Plan Do & review cycles are used to record and measure progress and may include professional advice to support provision and outcomes. Pupil’s will have an Educational Support Plan (ESP) in place at school.

Learners may be undergoing the EHCP needs assessment or may have an EHCP as they have a high level of need. Multi-agency evaluations of support plans and provision takes place through ongoing cycles of Assess, Plan Do & Review (APDR)

Pupil’s will have a yearly annual review of their EHCP and termly Educational Support Plan reviews.


The 4 bandings are built into every learner’s Educational Support Plan (ESP) so their level of need can be constantly reviewed and shared with parents and professionals.

The continuum of need used to identify our SEND pupils is used alongside the Early Help Thresholds for help and intervention to ensure all of our pupils’ and their families are receiving the most appropriate support and provision.

Our Vulnerable/SEND pupils’ are identified within the Early Help 4 levels of need;


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


Universal Plus

Partnership Response


Children whose needs are fully met and thrive. They aspire and achieve. They feel safe and secure. They are happy and healthy. 

The family are meeting their needs with support from universal services.

Children with additional needs. The family can meet the children’s needs with some additional support, usually in the short term.

Children with multiple and complex needs. Family have multiple needs and can’s meet their children’s needs with targeted and co-ordinated support. Family will be encouraged to engage with an Early Help assessment with regular multi agency meetings.

Children with acute needs including those in need of protection.

Family need a multi-agency response from children’s social care.


ASCETS information pack - useful for children with Autism and sensory needs
